The First of MLBA’s Regional Meetings Held

The first of MLBA’s fall regional meetings was held October 12th in Wadena, MN at the Little Round Still Distillery. Rep. Jordan Rasmussen was there to show his support!  This year we have partnered with the Minnesota Municipal Beverage Association as we share a lot of the same issues as on and off sale businesses.  

We still have 4 more regional meetings:

These are amazing meetings to connect with fellow license holders, legislators and our team to discuss current and future issues that have significant impacts on your businesses.  Please rsvp if you can so we can get a good idea on how much food to prepare and space to accommodate.
Look forward to seeing you at one of our meetings!
Tony Chesak
MMBA and MLBA Members at the Little Round Still Distillery in Wadena, MN October 12th