On Premise Industry,
Another dial back was placed upon our already disenfranchised and targeted industry. Linked here, you will see a collaborative letter that was sent to the Governor’s office yesterday afternoon. This letter is a culmination of guidances and demands that were based upon industry leaders’ and memberships’ wants and needs. This letter asks for immediate funding and relief to the hardest hit industry in Minnesota. We cannot wait for the slow wheels of bureaucracy to help. We demand it now! Governor Walz, is December 18th a hard start? We have seen the goal post moved before. We continue to pay all of our licensing fees, business expenses and taxes on time as we are mandated to adhere to deadlines. Now, we are asking for you to do the same.
The MLBA will also be entering a bill during special session to financially recoup lost inventory that we are forced to destroy as we were only given 48 hours to liquidate our product before 10pm this evening. We have reached out to the Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) to ask them to participate in a webinar in the next week so that you, the members, can issue questions to the DEED office and get real answers live. We will let you know by email and on our website if they confirm our invitation and for more advocacy efforts coming very soon.
Please reach out to your state representatives and ask for transparency! We need to know why we are bearing the brunt of this but being reported on being 1.7% of the problem? We do our part, we need the Governor to do his and provide the needed relief and honesty we as “One Minnesota” demands. You can find your legislators, click here.
We don’t have to tell you what this second shutdown will mean for your businesses and employees. We continue to work tirelessly during these times to advocate and give you a voice and seat at this table. Be well and know we are here for you.
Tony Chesak
MLBA Executive Director
Click here for a PDF of the coalition letter to Governor Walz.