The MLBA and its members are very interested in how our retailers and sellers of alcohol can play a very active role in this likely product to enter our market very soon. We have been responsibly selling alcohol, a controlled substance for over a decade. We have the knowledge, training and experience in handling, selling and marketing adult only products. We are specialists in our field and should be given the opportunity to handle this professionally.
As the cannabis debate heats up over the next couple of years, I am asking you to have input and share ideas as to how we can be at the table, taking on this responsibility. There is no doubt it will be legalized recreationally. I want us to be ahead of the curve. Please reach out to me and we can discuss further. The MLBA is taking this very seriously.
Please read the below article from
Marijuana Moment to learn more about what New York liquor stores are doing to get legal marijuana sales.
Tony Chesak
MLBA Executive Director
New York Liquor Stores Want To Sell Marijuana
Instead of creating a whole new system of specialized stores to distribute marijuana when it becomes legal, New York should just allow existing liquor and wine retail outlets to sell cannabis to adults. That’s the position of a new advocacy effort launched by owners of booze shops this month.
“With more than 2,000 wine and liquor stores from Buffalo to Montauk, we offer existing retail space with quick and cheap access to the market in every corner of the state,” reads the website for the group, which is called The Last Store on Main Street. “That means more tax revenue, and sooner, for the State to fulfill basic responsibilities and invest in the future of our neighborhoods.”
Click here to read the full article.